úterý 24. března 2009

Estate Agencies in Brno

Bravis reality, http://www.bravis.cz/en/

Real Spektrum, http://www.realspektrum.cz/
contact English speaking person: Jakub Šepel, jakub.sepel@realspektrum.cz, +420 533 339 111

Real Nova, http://www.realnova.cz/
contact English speaking person: Lumír Šindelář, sindelar@realitydne.cz, +420 775 222 858

RK Live, http://www.rklive.cz/, contact English speaking person: Dáša Nezvalová, +420 725 062 768

Realitní agentura DVL, http://www.dvl.cz/, contact English speaking person: info@dvl.cz

In order not to pay commission for the Estate Agency (usualy one month rent) you can use the websites where you can consult the offers of the particulars:



3 komentáře:

  1. Byty-Brno.eu I recommend, http://www.byty-brno.eu/
    they also speak English.

  2. You can also try http://www.findhome.cz , they also speak English and they are really helpful

  3. http://www.bezrealitky.cz/nemovitosti-byty-domy/374079-nabidka-pronajem-bytu-obla-brno
